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29 July 2007

yesterday must've been boob day

i went to columbus this weekend. we played poker on friday night (TheSteadman won), saturday BTVJGJHo and i tried to get TheRedness to go out to a bar to play pool which he suggested the night before, but we couldn't get a hold of him. BTVJGJHo and i ended up at hooters passing the time, grabbed some food and a few pints o' suds. our waitress's name was jenna, she was bubbly to say the least, very friendly and a good salesperson. i ended up buying a hooter's big boob mousepad. can you see me bringing that out at work? i'm a consumer though, so i bought. hooter's also has limited edition hooter's bud lite aluminum bottles. since we were there like 4 hours or so, jenna was nice enough to autograph ours. juddy got one, and i got mine autographed to the BTBz. you can see it over at the BTBz realted post. here is a pic of BTVJGJHo and jenna. there was another jenna working there as well that was quite endowed. it certainly was a good trip to hooter's. and not to objectify the girls. jenna1 was great, funny, pretty, sociable, and we had a great time having her serve us. we weren't lucky enough to get to speak with jenna2, maybe next time.

later, BTVJGJHo and i met up with TheT and TheErin (TheT's fiance) at adobe gilas. there out waitress wasn't so sociable, as it was kind of busy, but she was a good waitress, and she wasn't very hard on the eyes either. she had a low cut top and dare i say, her cups definitely runneth over. i don't want to come off as an ass, but there were some very attractive ladies out this weekend, and i didn't talk to any of them as usual, besides ordering rounds.

i just wanted to post pix. i gave jenna1 my blog addres, and told her i'd post her pic, so i am. who knows if she'll visit or not. we'll see.

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