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28 January 2009

check me out

i've posted before about how i get the most "non-friend" hits from my post about boystown, reynosa, mexico. people google it, they get my post, i get hits. well, i was going through my stats, and i noticed that someone came to my site from ANOTHER site talking about boystown. i wondered how that worked, so i checked out the page. i have to say, i think this is the FIRST time my site has ever been linked to from a stranger's site. i'm linked to at the end of the article. strange context too, but hey, i'm movin' on up!!!


Blogger themom said...

omg...that makes you almost FAMOUS!! I'm so proud of your writing abilities.

7:12 PM, January 28, 2009  
Blogger swedish chef dave said...


your famous for talking about prostitution, man your a hero. All i have ever had was a request to use one of my pics for free in a brazilian kids school book, i agreed, that is my only claim to fame


Dave in the cold of the UK

7:01 PM, January 31, 2009  

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